Getting Started ========================================== Step 1 - Installing Galah Interact ------------------------------------------ Galah Interact is a Python library. As such, the first thing you need to do is get it installed and get to the point where you can import the library. Note that Galah Interact only officially supports Linux at this point as the developers don't have access to Macs. If you have a Mac and would like to help us test the library, please let us know. Windows users, if you have a great desire to use Galah Interact please let us know and we will try to add support. If you want to avoid affecting the entire system, you can use a `virtualenv `_ with any of the methods, though unless you are already familiar with Python virtual environments it may be more trouble than its worth. *To install Galah Interact you can choose from one of the three methods below.* Method 1 - Installing through pip ******************************************* Galah Interact may be installed simply using the Python package manager pip (to get pip see `this page `_). This method of installation is the recommended method as it will make it a little easier to upgrade your installation in the future, but if you do not already have pip set up and want to go the easiest route, try Method 2 instead. After getting pip installed, you should be able to execute ``pip install galah-interact`` on the command line. After doing so Galah Interact will be installed automatically. Method 2 - Installing from Source ******************************************* If you do not wish to install pip, you can install Galah Interact a little more directly, just follow the steps below. 1. Go and download an archive containing Galah Interact's source either from the `list of tagged releases `_ or from the `main project page `_ (this will grab the latest code in the repo). 2. Unpack the archive somewhere. 3. Find the file ```` in the top-level directory and set its executable bit (``chmod +x``). 4. Execute ``./ install``. Method 3 - Using Directly ****************************************** If you don't want to deal with installing the library, you can use it directly by unpacking the archive as above, and then just copying the ``interact/`` directory into the same directory as your test harness. Step 2 - Hello World ------------------------------------------ The typical first program for Computer Science students is the "Hello World" program. The first Test Harness we create, then, will be a Test Harness that grades a "Hello World" assignment. The harness is below, you can go ahead and place it in a file with a ``.py`` extension, set the executable bit (``chmod +x``) and then run it with ``./ --mode test``. The comments document each line thoroughly and make up the contents of this tutorial, so please read through them carefully. I assume minimal Python knowledge, so I try to describe any advanced Python features enough that you can search for more information on them online. .. literalinclude:: examples/ You can download the code above :download:`here `. When you execute a test harness file directly during testing/development, you should always execute it with the command line arguments ``--mode test``. If you do not do this, when you run the test harness it will appear to freeze up. It is actually waiting for JSON from standard input. This is how the test servers in Galah communicate with test harnesses. If you encounter this, just use ``Ctrl+C`` to kill the program and start it again properly. .. seealso:: For more information on command line arguments, check out :doc:`../interact/cli`. Advanced users can also use the `Sheep Simulator `_ to run the test harnesses as if the harness was actually within a Galah test server (which are called sheep). This should be unnecessary in most cases however, and the simulator was created before Galah Interact had the capability to be run in this testing mode.